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SODIUM HYPO CHLORITE (4-6%) 50 KG manufacturer and supplier in nairobi kenya africa

A 12% solution is widely used in waterworks for the chlorination of water and a 15% solution is more commonly used for disinfection of waste water in treatment plants. High-test hypochlorite (HTH) is sold for chlorination of swimming pools and contains approximately 30% calcium hypochlorite. The crystalline salt is also sold for the same use; this salt usually contains less than 50% of calcium hypochlorite. However, the level of active chlorine may be much higher.



OBJECT IS TO FLUSH MATERIAL OUR IMMEDIATELY AND THEN SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY flush eyes with a directed stream of water at least 15 minutes while forcibly holding eye lids apart to ensure complete irrigation of all eye and lid tissue. Washing eyes within one (1) minute is essential to achieve maximum effectiveness. SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY.


SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIAELY. Flush thoroughly with cold water under shower while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. CONTINUE TO FLUSH UNTIL MEDICAL ATTENTION ARRIVES. Discard non-rubber shoes. Wash clothing before reuse.


Remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, have trained person administer oxygen. If respiration stops, give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY.


           NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Give large quantities of milk or gelatin solution. If these are not available give large quantities of water. If vomiting occurs spontaneously, keep airway clear and give more milk, gelatin solution or water, GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. Avoid vomiting, lavages or acidic antidotes. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Sodium Hypochlorite is an alkaline corrosive. For exposure by ingestion do not use emesis, lavages or acidic antidotes. Dilute immediately by giving milk, melted ice cream, beaten egg white, starch paste or antacids such as milk magnesia. Aluminum hydroxide gel or magnesium trisilicate gel. Avoid sodium bicarbonate because of  carbon di-oxide release. Sodium thiosulphate solution may prove beneficial by reducing unreacted material

Appearance: Clear greenish-yellow liquid miscible in any proportion with water.

This product meets the requirements of NSF standard 60 for drinking water.

  • Also used as a disinfectant and germicide , especially in the sterilization of water.

  • It is also used for making wool unshrinkable and in the manufactire of chloroform.

  • For the purpose of disinfection and bleaching  , a weak soln. ( 1.2 % ) is used. For purifying water 0.02 to 0 .2 % volumetric is sufficientPotable Water Treatment

  • Aquatics and Pools
  • Odor Control/Corrosion Control
  • Food & Beverage Processing
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Cooling Towers, Inland Power Stations & Industry
  • Irrigation Systems
  • Agriculture/Farming



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